The lecture is at 5.15pm, online and in person, where there will also be a wine reception. The event is free and all are welcome.
You can get further details here.
The Scottish Historical Review Trust will host the second annual Jenny Wormald lecture on Friday, 18 October 2024. Dr Fiona Watson's lecture is entitled 'Taming the Land? Power, Exploitation and Awe in Medieval Scotland'.
The lecture is at 5.15pm, online and in person, where there will also be a wine reception. The event is free and all are welcome. You can get further details here.
The new season starts on 26 September at 7.30 pm in the Smith Art Gallery and Museum. The speaker will be Josh Smith on The Politics of Reading and the Leighton LIbrary, 1800-1830. The Leighton Library is one of our most distinctive (and oldest) public institutions and its extensive records have been dilligently researched in recent years, each tranche of work revealing new insights. You can pay your annual membership fee at the door on entry. We ask for £3 per person for visitors but students and people under 18 are free (though we do ask them to register as members). The History Department at Stirling University are holding an event on 3 June to mark the launch of a film about the Oral History of the pandemic. The event is free and starts at 5pm but booking (via Eventbrite) is required.
Get further details at; Our next meetiing will be on Thursday 28 March 2024 at 19.30 in the Stirliing Smith Museum and Art Gallery.
The speaker will be Dr Valentina Bold on Stirling Street Poetry Admission is free for membes, under 18 and student; visitors £3. Details and Flyer. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 29th February 2024 at 7.30pm in the Smith Museym.
Professor Richard Oram will talk on The Early Burgh of Stirling This meeting marks the 900th Anniversary of the burgh. Members admission free; visitors £3 but students and under 18s Free Our season will continue with a meeting on Thursday 25 Jan. The speaker will be Craig Mair on Robert Burns in Stirling 1787.
As usual there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion. The meeting starts at 19.30 in the Smith Art Gallery and Museum, Dumbarton Road, Stirling. The premises are fully accessible via a ramp on the east side of the building. Admission is free for members, visitors £3. Membership is free for under 18s and for full-time students. All welcome. Further detalls on flyer here. . We have had an enquiry about George Kilgour, thought to be born in Logie in 1845 and died in Cardiff in 1931; he had been master of a ship called The Berwickshire.
See the attached outline. If anyone has further information, the enquirer would be gratefult to hear. This annual event is at Stirling University on Saturday 11th November 2023.
This year's theme is 'Aspects of Extractive Industries –History, Impact and Recovery'. There is a wide diversity of papers through the day covering historical, archaeological, environmental and wildlife issues related to the theme - something for everyone. Whilst the speakers are often specialists, the target audience is the wider public with a more general interest. The new edition of the journal ('Forth Naturalist and Historian') will be launched. Click here for further details and to link to the Booking Form. You are invited to a public lecture at Sttirling University (Room CC3.04) by Prof Erica Fudge).
Event details:
On Tuesday 14 Nov we will hold at joint meeting with the Stirling Field and Archaeological Society in the Smith Museum (19.30-2130).
The speaker will be Dr Martin Goldberg, curator of medieval history and archaeology at Natonal Museum of Scotland and lead investigator since the discovery of the hoard in 2014. Though not the largest Viking find, the range of its contents, drawn from all parts of the known world, makes it one of hte most interesting to be found for a long time. Research is ongoing but the talk will describe the current state of knowledge. We hope that our members and others will support this important and fascinating event. |
AuthorStirling Local History Society. Archives
February 2025