6th May 1866 Young stirk causes chaos in china shop
“When a young stirk was being driven through Stirling last week, it shied at a cab and made a sudden rush into a china and glass shop in Murray Place, causing considerable damage among the contents. The accommodation for moving about being somewhat limited ,”- -but “the man in charge of the animal made every effort to oust him from the premises.” Several ladies were in the shop at the time making purchases and “ a general stampede was made to the street, the fair sex being considerably shaken by the sudden appearance of the unwelcome visitor. – The damage amounted to £10 –and later “at Wallace Mart, the animal was purchased by Mr James Paterson, flesher, Menstrie.”
11th May 1886- Dundee Courier - Young stirk causes chaos in china shop last week.
11th May 1886- Dundee Courier - Young stirk causes chaos in china shop last week.