Busiest Season for Raploch Skating Pond in 1925
The winter of 1925 was the best season for the skating rink. Over a period of three weeks no fewer than 11,622 people, 5841 adults and 5781 juveniles paid for admission drawing in £97 2s. The number of people arriving at the skating pond by motor car was commented upon. On the first Saturday, November 21st, a thaw set in during the afternoon and the pond had to be cleared early. In a letter of complaint to the Stirling Observer newspaper published on 24th November it was reported that admissions were still being charged almost up until the whistle was blown to clear the pond and so a few people were given no chance of enjoying their admission, some still trying to fit their skates on. It may have been due to a young lady falling through the ice and getting a wetting. Even so, some 470 admissions took place that day. The following Saturday saw 1589 admissions, while the Saturday of December 5th saw 1105 adults and 1165 juveniles engaged in the pastime with £18 11s 6d taken in. On that day a serious accident was also recorded when a young lady injured her arms while attempting to save herself when falling on the ice. She suffered a broken arm and sprained the other one. When the frost returned two weeks later, very heavy snow stopped any further skating before a thaw set in.
The very success of the skating contributed to the expense of over £178 recorded for that year in terms of repairs and work required.
During the previous 15 years, the longest period for skating was seven days in 1911-12 when drawings were £45 2s 1d. In 1920-21 there were four days and in 1923-24 there were 5 days.
The very success of the skating contributed to the expense of over £178 recorded for that year in terms of repairs and work required.
During the previous 15 years, the longest period for skating was seven days in 1911-12 when drawings were £45 2s 1d. In 1920-21 there were four days and in 1923-24 there were 5 days.
References: Stirling Observer articles, 1899 to 1938. Stirling Journal articles, 1901 to 1912. Supplied by Stirling Central
Library on microfilm.
Royal Burgh of Stirling Council minutes, 1899 to 1938, supplied by Stirling Council Archives.
Library on microfilm.
Royal Burgh of Stirling Council minutes, 1899 to 1938, supplied by Stirling Council Archives.