Committee and Constitution
1. Name
The name of the society shall be Stirling Local History Society, hereinafter referred to as the Society.
2. Object
The object of the Society is to promote interest in, public awareness of, and an understanding of the local
history of Stirling through education, research and life-long learning initiatives.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership shall be open to all. Membership fees shall be as agreed by each AGM for the following year.
3.2 All members joining the Society shall be deemed to accept the terms of this Constitution.
4. Committee and Officers
4.1 The Society shall be represented by a Management Committee comprising the following Office Bearers:
Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, plus other members of the Committee elected annually at a meeting
convened for this purpose.
4.2 The Committee shall have the power to set up sub-committees to deal with specific interests.
4.3 Office-bearers and committee members shall serve for two years or as otherwise decided at AGM.
4.4 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members to the Committee temporarily to fill vacancies
up to the maximum number as agreed at the AGM.
4.5 Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
4.6 The Committee shall meet as necessary.
5. Rules for procedure at all Committee meetings
5.1 All significant questions arising at any committee meeting shall be decided by a majority of those present
and entitled to vote thereat.
5.2 In the case of equality of votes the Chair shall have a second and casting vote.
5.3 Should the Chair be absent then the Vice-chair shall adopt the role of Chair for the meeting.
5.4 A physical record shall be kept by the Society and the Secretary shall enter therein a record of all
proceedings and resolutions, as agreed by the Committee. These Minutes shall be available for
inspection by all Society members.
6. Finance
6.1 The funds of the Society shall be obtained through members' subscriptions and by means of other
fund-raising activities as the Committee may from time to time deem necessary, including the sale of
material published by the Society.
6.2 There shall be no payments to office-bearers other than reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket
expenses as agreed by the Committee.
6.3 The Management Committee prior to any commitment being made must approve all items of significant
expenditure. The Treasurer and another officer will monitor approved expenditure.
6.4 The funds shall be lodged in a bank and/or building society approved by the Committee.
6.5 There shall be three office-bearers, including the Chair and the Treasurer as nominated signatories to
the account, and normally the Treasurer and one other office-bearer shall sign the account and all
cheques drawn against the Society's funds.
6.6 The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing the financial affairs of the Society. An annual statement
of account must be produced at the AGM, properly examined by an independent examiner, proposed by
the Committee and Society, proceeds shall be expended consistent with the Object in clause 2.
6.7 Any money obtained by the Committee shall be used only to further the aims and objectives of the Society.
6.8 Any bank account opened for the Society shall be in the name of the Society.
6.9 Subscription rates shall be set at the AGM.
6.10 Annual accounts shall be open to public inspection. The Society's working account shall be available to
Society members for inspection on request.
6.11 The Financial Year will run from 1st February to 31st January.
7. Annual General Meeting
7.1 The Society shall hold an Annual General Meeting in April/May each year after having given 21 days clear
public notice of the time, date and venue of the meeting.
7.2 The AGM shall transact the following business:
Minutes of the previous AGM and matters arising
Consideration of the annual report prepared by the Committee
Consideration of the Annual audited statements of Accounts
Election of the Management Committee
Any other relevant business
7.3 Any proposed motion must be seconded and submitted in writing to the Secretary no fewer than twenty
eight days prior to the meeting.
7.4 A physical record shall be kept by the Society and the Secretary shall enter therein a record of all
proceedings and resolutions agreed at the meeting. These Minutes shall be available for inspection
by all Society members.
8. Extraordinary General Meeting
8.1 The Chair must call an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society if two-thirds of the membership
so desire.
8.2 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called for the purpose of altering the Constitution or for
considering any matter which may be referred to the Chair by the Committee.
8.3 21 days notice shall be given.
8.4 A physical record shall be kept by the Society and the Secretary shall enter therein a record of all
proceedings and resolutions agreed at the meeting. These minutes shall be available for the
inspection by all Society members.
9. Amendments to the Constitution
9.1 Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed at the AGM or an EGM and must be delivered to
the Chair at least twenty eight days prior to the meeting.
9.2 Amendments require the approval of two thirds of those present and voting.
9.3 Any amendments must satisfy the requirements of the statutory authorities and be in accord with the
Society's charitable status.
10. Dissolution
10.1 If the Society in a General Meeting votes by a two-thirds majority to dissolve the Society, any assets
remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be applied towards purposes
as the law regards as an appropriate or related charity, and as the Committee may decide.
10.2 Society records deemed of evidential and historical value will be offended to the Local Authority
Archive from time to time.
11. Adoption
This Constitution was adopted as the Constitution of the Stirling Local History Society at an Extraordinary
General Meeting of the Stirling Local History Society on 22/06/2006.