Opening of Raploch Skating Pond in Stirling
On the forenoon of Saturday 9th Feb 1901 the new
skating pond was formally opened, the ceremony being performed by Mrs J.B.
Richardson of Pitgorno, who drove to the pond accompanied by Provost and Mrs
Thomson. There were a number of the Council present. Provost Thomson made a few
remarks alluding to the indebtedness of the people of Stirling to Mr and Mrs
Richardson and the Philharmonic Society for providing such an ample and
excellent pond for the recreation of the inhabitants. But for their
praiseworthy and sustained efforts it would have been impossible to construct
the pond as the Town Council were prevented from spending public money for such
a purpose. A better site could scarcely be got for the pond and he believed
there were few towns which could boast such a safe and convenient skating pond.
Mrs Richardson afterwards cut the ribbon which was stretched across the
entrance and then declared the pond open. Cheers were afterwards raised for Mrs
Richardson and Provost and Mrs Thomson. Skating was afterwards engaged in, but
owing to the thaw the pond became covered in water and the skaters had to
13th February 1901 Stirling Observer.
13th February 1901 Stirling Observer.
References: Stirling Observer articles, 1899 to 1938. Stirling Journal articles, 1901 to 1912. Supplied by Stirling Central
Library on microfilm.
Royal Burgh of Stirling Council minutes, 1899 to 1938, supplied by Stirling Council Archives.
Library on microfilm.
Royal Burgh of Stirling Council minutes, 1899 to 1938, supplied by Stirling Council Archives.