Programme for season 2017-2018
28th September 2017
Malcolm Allan and John Coutts “Stirling Poets : Past Speaks to the Present” Janet Reid (1777-1854) and David Taylor (1817-1867) 26th October 2017 John Harrison “Stirling Women At Work,1560-1750.” 30th November 2017 Brian Wilkinson | HES Activities and Events Manager | Technical Outreach and Education “The Engine Shed, Historic Environment Scotland’s Building Conservation Centre.” December 2017 - No Meeting 25th January 2018 Craig Mair “The Poles in Wartime Bridge of Allan.” 22nd February 2018 “We apologise that Professor Bruce Lenman’s talk to Stirling Local History Society planned for Thursday 22nd February 2018 had to be cancelled at very short notice due to an unforeseen power cut affecting the Museum. Professor Bruce P. Lenman “Jacobites, Movement or Intermittent Fever?” 29th March 2018 Professor Bruce P. Lenman “Jacobites, Movement or Intermittent Fever?” Professor Lenman has written a number of very interesting books on Scottish history including Jacobite history He will be using a number of images from the Stirling Smith Museum collection to illustrate his talk. The scheduled talk below will now take place a later date. Stephen Digney and Dorothy Wilson “Kings Park and the Stirling Races.” 26th April 2018 AGM and Dr. Stuart Morrison, Whisky Specialist, Diageo “Whisky, History and the Stirling Connection” The scheduled speaker was Professor Richard Oram, University of Stirling and Paul Wilson, Glasgow School of Art, “King James I and the Perth Charterhouse: Reviewing the Past Through Digital Technologies” but has regrettably been cancelled. |