General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, 2018.
Stirling Local History Society (SLHS) maintains personal information provided by you for the purposes of informing you of meetings and events organised by SLHS and for any other purposes relevant to the business of SLHS. We do not share information provided by you, to third parties for any other purposes than above, except where we have a legal duty to so. You may contact us at any time to be provided with the information we hold on you from the current list and to request that it is updated or amended or deleted. Contact our Membership Secretary who is our designated Data Protection officer. If you are dissatisfied with how we have responded, you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner's Office.
Guidance* = Required Field
On submitting your details to the society, they will be recorded and confirmed when you attend a meeting. Please bring the appropriate subscription to your first meeting. Cheques should be made payable to Stirling Local History society. If you prefer to print the form, please download the attachment below, complete it off-line and hand it in personally when you attend a meeting.