The volume includes the usual bird and weather reports and several 'naturalist' articles. More specifically historical are the following:
Roy Sexton on the historical and modern vegetation around Stirling Castle
John Harrison on the Stirling Field and Archaeological Society [1879-1939]
S Black on Pathfoot, the lost village of shoemakers
Cook, M. The Cotter in the King's Park: observations on Stirling's Royal Park Dyke
Dickie, M, The Development and Decline of the Craigrie Lade [Clackmannan]
Wood A. and Dingwall R., Stone Blocks and Iron Rails [remains of railways around Clackmannan/ Alloa].
If you would like one of the limited number of copies we will have at the meeting, it would be good if you could contact use in advance at [email protected]. Otherwise, they are also on sale at the Smith bookstall or via the Forth Naturalist and Historian website.