Smith on Dumbarton Road at 12noon on Tuesday 13 September.
This marvelous little book is a wonderfully-constructed selection of descriptions of Stilring by visitors and travellers over the centuries with useful linking text and explanations by the author. Some of the texts might be familiar but many are from rare and obscure sources, including previously-unpublished material. Even if you can't get there, do buy this book.
The event is part of Stirling's annual Off the Page Book Festival.
Copies of The Mental Feast of Pure Delight, published by Stirling Libraries,
are available at £3.99. They make excellent presents for friends at home and
abroad and are easy to post,
There might be a small charge for admission but this will earn a discount against part of the purchase price - which is very good value even without a discount.
For further details;
Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum
Dumbarton Road
Stirling FK8 2RQ
01786 471 917